Acknowledged as major supporters of the event, Gold Sponsors enjoy maximized exposure through second-highest priority branding in all documentation and both virtual and on-site signage, following Platinum Sponsors. All Gold sponsorship packages deliver numerous benefits, including a conference presentation on-site and live-streaming to all virtual attendees, complimentary on-site and virtual conference registrations, and several other benefits.


  • Presentation in Live Program
  • Conference Attendance
  • Pre-Event Advertising / Website Representation
  • On-Site and Virtual Promotion
  • Media Relations & Social Media
  • + Other Additional Benefits
Contact CTBUH for more details See all Gold Sponsor benefits in the table at the bottom of this page.

Gold + Virtual Tour

The Gold + Virtual Tour sponsors will be acknowledged in relation to live-streaming building tours in the three cities. This will enable attendees to virtually explore the sponsors’ seminal projects via 15-minute pre-recorded videos, featuring interior shots and external drone footage. There will be only one virtual tour held per city, and the virtual tour will be video recorded and promoted through both on-site and virtual platforms. This package also offers numerous other benefits, such as a conference presentation on-site and live-streaming to all virtual attendees, two complimentary on-site registrations, and three virtual registrations, among others.

Gold + Student Research Competition

Students focus on a relevant research question and create an engaging “output” as a response. Funding will be awarded to a single student group for research and creating the output. The sponsor will be recognized as the sole supporter of this initiative internationally, receiving recognition throughout the program, and can nominate a judge to serve on the panel.


This is a standard sponsorship at the Gold level, not linked to an exclusive element of the conference, but offers numerous benefits, such as branding exposure, a conference presentation on-site and live-streaming to all virtual attendees, two complimentary on-site registrations, and three virtual registrations, among others.

Other Sponsorship Opportunities


Sponsor Benefit Table

Gold +
Virtual Tour
Gold +
Student Research Competition
3 Packages
(3 Still Available)
1 Package
7 Packages
(1 Still Available)
Sponsor Branding Priority2nd Highest Priority2nd Highest Priority2nd Highest Priority
Exclusive SponsorshipVirtual Tour of the Sponsor’s ProjectRecognition as the
Supporter of the 2020 Student
On-site Presentation / Panel Role111
Physical Complimentary Registrations
(Networking Reception Included)
Additional Virtual Complimentary Registrations333
Promotion via Social Media
Logo on Website (Sponsor Section), Signage, and Walk-in/out Slide Loop
Company profile featured on the Conference App
Promotion via Post-Conference Digital Report

*Sponsorship fee is net of all taxes and fees. Any taxes and fees need to be paid by the sponsor.