As humans endeavor to build ever-taller buildings, structural engineers continue to make the seemingly impossible a reality; first with the supertall; then the megatall; and soon, by breaking the one-kilometer height mark. Structural engineering techniques that have revolutionized this field over the past half-century have had to contend with all the challenges introduced by building at such heights, from breaking up strong wind currents that can cause occupant discomfort, to anticipating and preparing for seismic events with variances in rigidity, strength, and stability. This workshop reviewed recent innovations such as the megacolumn and the megatruss, as well as the integration of computer-aided analysis to accurately predict structural integrity, addressing concerns ranging from weather effects to violent attacks. It also examined ongoing and future-facing topics, such as the effective integration of emerging digital design techniques, in pursuit of irregular and complex façade forms.

See the Photo Gallery for highlights from Day 1 Workshops.

When: Monday, 28 October 2019, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel at the Aqua Tower

Kindly Sponsored by:

Workshop Program

Montgomery Workshop Chair: Michael Montgomery
CTO, Kinetica Dynamics
1:00 pm Arrival & Coffee
1:30 pm Welcome
1:40 pm


Richard Garlock

Richard Garlock

Partner, LERA Consulting Structural Engineers
“Structural Design Innovations for Tall Buildings”
Turner Solterman

Turner Solterman

Structural Engineer Assistant, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
“Composite Skyscraper Structural Systems: A Fundamental Paradigm Shift”
2:40 pm Coffee/Tea Break
3:00 pm


Craig Blanchet

Craig Blanchet

Managing Principal, LeMessurier
“On the Essence of Tall: The Evolution of a Vision”
Gustavo Oliveira

Gustavo Oliveira

Vice President | Properties & Building Structures, Individuals
“53W53 | Engineering a Modern Pyramid with Reinforced Concrete Diagrids”
4:00 pm Q&A Session
4:30 pm Discussion on Next Steps
4:50 pm Closing Remarks
5:00 pm Workshop End

To learn more about other workshops, click here.

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